Krigsman is intentional, authentic and a place that will consistently challenge you. Krigsman is definitely a huge part of me. It is more than just a building, it’s more than just the yoga classes, it’s a strong community made up of all types of people who show up for themselves and for each other. I am honored to be a part of it.
Krigsman is support. I always feel supported by the teachers and the students. I love being able to support them too, it is the best part of this job.
ME AS THE STUDENT:I believe in order to grow, we need to be challenged, and sometimes it can get uncomfortable. Why Krigsman? Because I want the challenge. I want to gain the tools and know for myself how to handle whatever life throws my way.
ME AS THE FOUNDER: So Why Krigsman? I know what the darkness feels like, I know what it feels like to be in the struggle, and I also know what it feels like to not have anything or any place to reach to. I wanted to share with everyone what I saw yoga to be for me, and me being someone who never thought I would/could do yoga. Everything you need is there, so it’s important to me that the stereotypes and stigmas are removed, because if I’m doing yoga, and if yoga has helped me live a better life, then that can be true for anyone who’s willing to show up.
Life isn’t easy, and I don’t think it’s supposed to be. After taking a class at Krigsman, I leave confident in knowing that I am better prepared to deal with what ever life throws my way.
I wanted it to be something that people could count on. Everyone’s day in there is going to be different and very personal to them, so consistency on our end is important. Krigsman is ok with not being ok, so no matter how you show up, you will always be supported. We meet you where you are with no judgement—real deal kindness—because we give a shit and want you to leave feeling stronger and more empowered than when you walked in.
When someone walks into Krigsman who may be hesitant, intimidated by yoga, or what they thought yoga was about, they quickly are surprised to find that there was nothing to be fearful of in the first place. This never gets old and I love it. Seeing this barrier broken down makes my heart happy because it doesn’t have to be scary, and I want Krigsman to be the place where people figure that out.
Krigsman is no judgement, no bullshit, no gossip. It is real, authentic, and it is never trying to be something that it’s not — we respect and support each other, and we want people to feel that when they walk in the door.
My biggest challenge is me. I am always the one getting in my own way. I welcome the challenge because I learn about myself from it to then rise above it, and eventually I am able to get out of my own way.
I like to believe I still do things even when I am afraid. Opening Krigsman, I was afraid and I did it anyway. Teaching yoga, I was afraid and I did it anyway. Of course, there are things that I don’t do because I’m afraid. When I come up against those things —and if I want it bad enough—I hope to take my own advice and do it anyway.
“The hard to me is making the choice to show up in my life. On some days, that might be as simple as brushing my teeth. On other days, it’s about refusing to let fear set my limits and instead finding the courage to face my doubts and embrace what scares me.”
“Music to me is anything I need it to be in any given moment. I connect to the lyrics and appreciate a musician’s willingness to be vulnerable because often there is something in their words that I can connect to; it’s powerful to know that I’m not alone in how I feel or what I’m going through. Music lifts my spirits, and I can see it do the same for those around me, creating great moments of connection. Music is a huge part of my life and a big part of what we do at Krigsman. I love music and forever grateful to those who create it.”